

Yoga & Harmony

Life's Journey

Life's Journey

"Life's Journey" - This painting was created to celebrate new life and the journey that begins life's never-ending cycle. The focus of the painting is the woman in a yoga pose (Prayer Pose) bringing inner peace through appreciation of the natural world that surrounds her. The background is set in Fort Fisher and features newly hatched turtles at the start of their journey to the sea. They are going to greet "Jenny" little mermaid girl who eagerly awaits their magical transition.



"Namaste" - Our practice teaches us to free ourselves from competition and to let go of things that hold us back. This allows us to open our hearts and connect with one another on another level. "Namaste" embodies the spirit of yoga to surrender oneself and let the world flow around you with trust and truth.



“Harmony" - Strong, tall and unwavering, the "Mountain Pose" gives you both strength and harmony. Drawing from your inner strength gives you courage to face the mountains before you. With a calm, clear mind, you begin your journey and follow your heart...wherever it leads.



"Awake" - This painting features the yoga "Tree Pose" with outstretched arms. It represents the need for maintaining balance in our lives. Using our focus techniques, we can travel to the beaches of Hawaii on our own meditative vacation. The noon sun makes us feel alive and "Awake!" We are refreshed and ready to face the day with all it holds for us. 

Waiting Quietly

Waiting Quietly

"Waiting Quietly" - By putting yoga into our everyday lives, we learn to appreciate something as simple as "Waiting Quietly." The woman holding this yoga sitting posture is at ease in her flexibility. Her mind is free to let thoughts drift in and out as she reflects on her day. As she enjoys the quiet moment, her thinking sends images from home which now appear in the yoga studio with her, surrounding her in comfort.



"Compassion" - This painting transforms the surroundings of the yoga student during "Shavasana." She is in a restful state under the compassionate care of her yoga teacher. By listening to the comforting sounds of the ocean, she finds total relaxation by imagining a peaceful sleep at the beach. Her burdens are lifted and she will awake with a change in heart and spirit.

Baptized by Tears

Baptized by Tears

Renew Within

Renew Within

“Renew Within" - This restful pose (Child's Pose) reminds us the importance of renewing ourselves from the inside out. Our yoga music takes us to the mountains near a restful waterfall where we hear the birds soar. We can envision the morning sun rising again through the mist to reset our day. By first giving in to the need for rest, we trust that our break will give us new strength.

Couples Yoga

Joined By God

Flying Angel

Love Heart


Let Go