"Perception" is an exploration of self. What do these images say to you? How do you interpret events? How do you interact with the world based on your perceptions?
Limitless Love
Love is limitless,
an infinite supply
flowing continuously.
Limitless Love |
Energized Spirit
Spirit is energized,
exploring every direction,
all at once.
Changing Life
Life is changing,
constantly reshaping
our perceptions.
Changing Life |
Deep Knowledge
Knowledge is deep,
immersed in history,
constantly experimenting.
Deep Knowledge |
Balanced Peace
Peace is balanced,
both sides at once,
existing in harmony.
Balanced Peace |
Layered Experiences
Experiences are layered,
building blocks
for life's foundation.
Layered Experiences |
Bursting Joy
Joy is bursting,
the fire of life,
exploding outward.
Bursting Joy |
Resilient Growth
Growth is resilient,
a charted path
of peaks and valleys.
Resilient Growth |
Abundant Thoughts
Thoughts are abundant,
brilliant snapshots,
coloring our world.
Abundant Thoughts |
Anticipating Faith
Faith is anticipating,
knowing there is more,
waiting for it to blossom.
Anticipating Faith |
Moving Goals
Goals are moving,
constantly updated,
enriched by motion.
Moving Goals |
Reaching Heart
Heart is reaching,
finding its way
through those it touches.
Reaching Heart |
Centered Essence
Essence is centered,
protective bands
circling and united.
Centered Essence |
Connected Lives
Lives are connected,
influencing each other
in unpredictable ways.
Connected Lives |
Unstoppable Emotions
Emotions are unstoppable,
piercing and reflecting,
through the smallest of filters.
Unstoppable Emotions |
Rising Hope
Hope is rising,
burning a hole
through your core.
Rising Hope |
Flexible Feelings
Feelings are flexible,
strong or faint,
and ever changing.
Flexible Feelings |
Growing Senses
Senses are growing,
expressing ripples,
both inward and outward.
Growing Senses |
Aware Mind
Mind is aware,
gathering information
through questioning.
Aware Mind |
Supported Soul
Soul is supported,
attending to your needs,
on an invisible plane.
Supported Soul |